Sue-One Day at A Time

Snips n Snaps of my life in Tennesse

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Eyebrows...There should be TWO!

Ok.. so I stole that line from a movie, but it fits my situation.
I admit it.. I can no longer see well enough without my glasses to wax my own eyebrows. So I have to depend on "professionals" to do it for me. My grandaughter, Rachel, and I went to Super Cuts to get our eyebrows "done" today. What a disaster it was for me!! The lady that did mine was the manager of the store so I should expect to get excellent service... not true. As I explained that I was 'blind as a bat" without my glasses she proceded to wax my brows. I thought it was odd that she put wax on BOTH my upper and lower brow at the same time, but figured she knew what she was doing.. after all she was the manager. We chatted about my work, her kids (one of who was there underfoot) ect. When she was done she did'nt offer me the mirror like they usually do... again I thought it was odd but didn't say anything. (MY mistake) Rachel was already done so I paid my $8.00 and tipped her $3.00 and off we went. We stopped at the shop (that's what we call Laura's buisness) on our way home. Laura takes one look at me and started to laugh, Rachel turns to see what she's laughing at and she started to laugh. During all this laughing and giggling I looked in the mirror to see what I had on my face that was so funny. Well it wasn't what was ON my face, it what was MISSING on my right eyebrow. Not ALL of it mind you.. just HALF of it! That "professional manager" had taken off half my eyebrow! Now I know why she never handed me the mirror when she was done. I'm just fumming mad but there is nothing I can do except buy an eyebrow pencil and color it in untill it grows out. What really makes me mad is she KNEW she'd done it and instead of admiting the mistake to me and apoligizing she just ignored it and said nothing. ( had she told me I'm sure I would have been upset but not nearly as upset as now for being decieved) I guess I will have to chalk this up to a learing experience....Look in the mirror BEFORE you leave! You'll understand if I don't add a photo with this post. LOL

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Today is one of our "big"'s 50% off day. That means everything in the store is 50% off all day long.
We open at 8AM, an hour earlier than normal and it's non stop till we close at 8PM.
I worked a couple of extra hours on my own time last night so I could get the shelves as full as they will get. On our last 50% off day we did a little over $16,00.00 so if we beat that this time, we will get a day off with pay!

It is also an important day for me, I've volunteered my time to the Make a Wish Foundation to do face painting for a child that wished for his birthday party to be held at my daughters place, Kids Party Jumps. So right after work at 3PM I have to dash there and do face painting for a couple of hours..
Busy, busy day for me! Hope ya'll have a good one too!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

It's Hereeeeeee

Yep... it's here.. Tornado season as started.
After last years Tornado that barely missed our house I am prepared!
I purchased a Hazard Alert Radio with digital SAME technology for localized warnings.
Jeff and I each bought one. Jeff set it up for me and I went to bed last night feeling safe from the impending storm that was coming. Sure enough, about 2 am it went off with a "severe thunderstorm warning". Since they were predicting severe weather for most of the day I decided to take it to work with me. I had barely gotten in the door when it went off again, this time with a Tornado Watch.
We kept it on at work all day just to be safe. Luckily, we did'nt get anything stonger than severe thunderstorms here.

I think it was worth the expense and feel so much safer that I have it.
This weekend we are going to make an area in the basement with a TV, radio, flash lights ect. in case we have to go down there during a storm. Hopefully we won't ever need it, but it's nice to know if we do it's there!

Friday, February 09, 2007

New Camera

I finally did it, bought my OWN digital camera. I've been using Laura's digital camera for the last year. I've been wanting to get one of my own, but just did'nt think I really needed one since I didn't use it that often. Well it's become a problem for me to use, only because I have to upload the pictures on her computer.(my puter doesn't have the port needed to use her camera) So now I have my own camera to take pictures whenever I want!
Of course, I had to take it to work
Here are a few "snaps" of my work.

This is my work bench.

This is a Gaylord, one of the boxes that our products come in from the warehouse. This is what I spend my day "digging in".

This is Sunday (no, that's not a type o .. Sunday is her name) and Michelle, two of the girls I work with, I caught them in a good mood on thier smoke break! lol

This is Chris, our assistant manager and the sweetest person to work for! I love how he calls me "Miss Sue" or his nick name for me "SueBird"...He's always checking up on me, making sure I'm ok...not sure why? LOL just a really nice guy.

This is some old lady that I work with...oh wait..that's ME!! lol yes.. I actully let Michelle take a picture of me. Going to use it for my "before" picture, since I've not lost any weight in a month. Still trying to get my gallbladder under control.
Untill next time!

Friday, January 19, 2007


I've been feeling a bit "under the weather" as my Mother used to say. I had an appointment with my Dr. on Tuesday to get my meds refilled (high blood pressure) so I told him how I had been feeling. He commented on my weight loss and the fact that I had not gained any over the holidays, I didn't tell him I did but I've lost it
Anyway... after an exam he says he thinks I might have gallstones. As he put it, "you're at that age". He gave me some medicine to take and said hopefully it will clear up my symptons, if not, I am to go back in 2 weeks for an ultra sound of my gallbladder. He asked me what type of foods do I eat? Beef? Fried foods? Dairy? I told him NO beef or fried foods and very little dairy that I had been on WW for the last 9 months and eat mostly chicken and fish. He then explained to me that when you eat a low fat diet your gallbladder does'nt work properly, it slows down it's production I think is how he put it.
Of course I came right home and got on the computer and looked up gallstones and gallbladder disease. Seems a low fat diet is what caused my problems, but also being overweight causes it too!?? So now.. what do I eat? If I eat fatty foods it will cause me to suffer the pain, if I don't eat fats I'll lose weight but my gallbladder won't function correctly and also cause me the problems I've been suffering! I've been searching for a website that will help me but all I seem to find are the ones that want to sell me their formula's for eating right to have a healthy gallbladder. There are also products on these sites that claim their product will "clean out" my gallbladder....but of course it's only $160 to start off.
I went to WEB MD and found out a few usefull bits of information...but I need more!!
I want to find a list of foods I can eat.. and still loose weight that won't make me sick. I can't eat veggies.. well I can but I detest all veggies except corn, squash and green beans. Living on fruit is not an option either. Anyone have any suggestions??

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Getting Back On Track

Tomorrow is the day.. the day I get back on track with my weight loss program.
Laura and I decided around my birthday, just before Thanksgiving... that we would let ourselves "enjoy" the holidays and go off our weight loss program.
I was surprised when I weighed myself today... I only put on 3 lbs. Since I ate pretty much whatever I wanted, I thought maybe I had gained more, but I think working the way I have been lately has helped me keep it off.

Today was my only day off this week so I did my shopping at Wal Mart for the coming week. As you can see by the picture, I picked up plenty of "snacks" for myself! Since they were on sale I stocked up. lol
I love these 100 calorie snacks, they are 2 points each and make it easy for me to keep track of my points each day. My goal is to hit 150 by Mother's Day in May. Wish me luck! (and will power)

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Laura and Alphie on Christmas Day

This is my oldest daughter, Laura.
She & Jeff have been married 18 years and have 3 girls. Sarah 18, Rebecca 16 and Rachel 13. I live with all of them. (almost all..Sarah is now in CA going to college)
Over the last few years, I've gone thru some rough times and Laura has always been there for me. She was there helping me to take care of my mother when she died. My mother did not want to die in the hospital. I took Mom home and Laura stayed with us and was there with me the moment my mother passed. This meant a great deal to me and to my mother.

When my dear hubby passed away so suddenly in July of 2001, Laura insisted I stay with them for awhile so I would'nt be alone. Then she had my 5th Wheel (we lived in our 5th wheel on a lake when he died) moved so I could be close to them. She paid for his funeral, never asking to be paid back. When my anxiety attacks took over my life, she had me live with them to help ease my tension and worries. She got me into Scrapbooking, which is still one of the things we like to do together.

We have not always gotten along and have gone through periods of not speaking (which I know is a valuable waste of time)...but I had to give her some space.

Now as I come to the year mark of me living with them, I am feeling very lucky to have this "child" in my life. I'm very proud of the woman she has become over the last few years. She's not into "that mushy stuff" as she calls it and when I've tried to tell her, she gets upset with me and changes the subject.
So today I wrote a letter to her, telling her of all the things I love about her and how proud I am of her. I'm just going to leave it here, and maybe someday I will give it to her, or maybe I'll just leave it for her after I've passed away... I'm not sure yet.
I just feel it's important that she know how I feel. My Mother and I were very close, and I considered her my best friend. My mom was an alcholic and put me thru hell sometimes, but I always forgave her.... I understood...and when she was dying I was able to spend 9 days with Mom with out her drinking. We talked and talked about everything... knowing we didn't have long before she died. I will always remember my Mom that way.. not the other way.

It was Laura and Jeff who insisted I get a job... and I'm enjoying my life so much more now that I'm working again.

Yes.. I feel pretty lucky to have her in my life. I sometimes wonder if she feels the same way? Like I said... she doesn't go for that "mushy stuff".

I love this picture of Laura..she always says she doesn't know how to smile, looks like a pretty smile to me!